Joseph Staten to Netflix: Can AAA Games Work?

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Joseph Staten, the former Creative Director of Microsoft’s Bungie, recently proposed an interesting idea: can AAA games work on Netflix? Staten believes that AAA games are the right fit for streaming services such as Netflix, and that the two should be blended together. This article examines Staten’s theory, looking at the potential of AAA games on streaming services, the challenges of making them streamable, and how an ‘IP-first’ approach can be implemented.

Joseph Staten: AAA Games Can Transition to Netflix

Joseph Staten firmly believes that AAA games can transition to streaming services and that Netflix is an ideal fit for the AAA game market. In an interview, Staten states that the technology for streaming games is now far more advanced than when Bungie released Destiny in 2014, and that this advances makes AAA games a key component for streaming services such as Netflix. He believes that streaming games can create a “meaningful, interactive and entertaining experience” that can benefit both game developers and streaming platforms alike.

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Unlocking the Potential of AAA Games on Streaming Services

When it comes to AAA games, Netflix has a great deal of potential to explore. By introducing AAA games to the streaming platform, Netflix could potentially create a unified entertainment service. Consumers would have access to a variety of content such as movies, TV shows, and AAA games all under one roof. Furthermore, there is a huge player base for gaming on Netflix that could potentially translate into an increase in viewership for AAA titles.

Examining the Challenges of Making AAA Games Streamable

Despite the potential of AAA games on streaming services, Staten acknowledges that bringing such games to platforms such as Netflix will pose a number of obstacles. One of the primary problems is the need to develop a suitable streaming technology. A streaming platform must be able to render high-quality graphics and maintain smooth gameplay on connection-constrained devices. Additionally, content must be easily accessible and load quickly to keep players engaged.

Creating an ‘IP-First’ Approach to AAA Games and Netflix

To overcome the streaming challenges posed by AAA games, Staten suggests an ‘IP-first’ approach. This approach puts the emphasis on the game experience and the story being told, rather than the technological constraints of streaming. Staten believes that through this approach, developers can create an engaging and immersive experience for players and highlight the creative potential of AAA games on streaming services.

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The Future of AAA Games on Streaming Platforms

Joseph Staten’s proposal has the potential to further bridge the gap between streaming services and AAA gaming. By introducing AAA games to the streaming platform, both game developers and streaming services could benefit from increased viewership and more entertaining gaming experiences. However, AAA games still have to face the challenges of streaming on connection-constrained devices. Ultimately, an ‘IP-first’ approach could help to overcome these challenges and pave the way for an exciting future of AAA games on streaming platforms.

Joseph Staten is a vocal advocate for AAA games transitioning to streaming services, particularly Netflix. He believes that the technology is now available to make the move to streaming possible, and that through an ‘IP-first’ approach, exciting gaming experiences could be offered on streaming platforms. While AAA games still face some significant challenges in making the transition to streaming, Staten’s proposal could open up a new world of possibilities for AAA games on streaming services.

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